Baroque Instruments

Each instrument, as well as all music and the tastes of music-lovers all have their story. Today’s violins and cellos are the result of slow evolution. As time evolved, their forms and tones were adapted to changing musical tastes and demands. We also like to savour the music of old times and rediscover old tunes. The success of Baroque music proves the point amply.

We give you the choice between a copy of an old instrument or have your own instrument set in Baroque style.

Violin-making workshop
Yoshi-Benoît Sugiyama

Opening Hours

From Tuesday to Friday from 2 PM to 5 PM. Appointment recommended.

On Mondays by appointment only.

Avenue de la Gare 14
CH-1800 Vevey
Tél. +41 (0)21 922 31 91